Our last work day was a busy one. With the orphanage closed, we helped out in the daycare. I don't see how Georgina, the director, manages 10 - 14 little ones aged two and under, all with snotty noses, usually on her own. We had 11 today. The arrive by 8:30 and first have prayers, then breakfast. Next, they all head for the potties. After they xixi (pee in Portuguese), we go outside to play. Then we go back inside and play some more. Playing consists of a lot of crying and running around. Nothing organized.
Next all hands get washed, prayers again, everyone is fed and back to the potties. Everyone gets a bath and goes down for a nap. We had a potty, wash, dry, diaper, bed assembly line that took four of us. I just can't see how she does it alone.
This afternoon we went to the Pelhourino to the Afro-Brazilian Museum. It was a great museum with exhibits on the origins of the African slaves who came to Salvador, the culture as it developed here, a section on candomble and incredibly beautiful art and craft traditional to the area. Downstairs were exhibits related to local archeology and the indigenous tribes of Bahia.
When we returned, we finally got our acaraje. She was back in business today. Her stand is across from McDonald's and she does way more business. We had to wait in line and the cars were backing up in the street. I told her I wanted pimenta (hot) and she put a little drizzle of the sauce. When I said mais, por favor (more, please), she looked at me like I had no clue what I was asking for and added another drizzle. Hot and delicious.
Tonight I think we are headed out to hear our Portuguese teacher's boyfriend's band play at a local bar. He plays classic American rock, which would not normally be my choice in Brazil. But she was so excited to invite us, that a few of us decided to go. There are only six of us still here at the house this weekend. After we leave on Sunday, and those in Lencois return, there will only be seven here until the big onslaught on May 31 with a total of 44.
Marina, our teacher, just called. She is so happy we are going to hear the band, she is going to come meet us to make sure we don't get lost. She is such a delightful person and wonderful teacher, I wish I could take her home with me so I could learn Portuguese faster.
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